Second CBME Seminar

31 . 08 . 2024

The need for competency-based medical education (CBME) in postgraduate medical education (PGME) was identified during the Tripartite Medical Education Conference (MEC) in Jan 2023 and the Strategic Planning Retreat on Education and Training in March 2023. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) published the Position Paper on Postgraduate Medical Education 2023 in Sept 2023, which included 11 recommendations, three of which focused on CBME. 

It is the route that various colleges should take to gradually transition from the conventional time-based framework to the CBME approach. As a result, the Academy held two CBME Seminars to address the recommendations and enhance our trainers' and trainees' readiness for the shift. On January 27, 2024, the first seminar was conducted with success.  

The second seminar was held on 31 August 2024. Prof. Gilberto Leung, President of the Academy, delivered the welcome remarks and emphasized that the purposes of the seminar are to share good practices and work out action plans together. He also provided good news about the government's and Hong Kong Jockey Club's funding for providing medical education courses. It was updated that the existing Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine (HKJC ILCM) will be transformed and upgraded to the Jockey Club Institute for Medical Education and Development (JCIMED). During the Seminar, Prof. Philip Kam-tao LI (Vice President (Education and Examinations), HKAM) and Dr. Hing-yu SO, Educationist of the Academy, facilitated the sharing of experience of implementation of CBME from 8 Colleges’ representatives. 

Welcome remarks by Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit LEUNG, President of the Academy

Facilitators: Prof. Philip Kam-tao LI, Vice President (EE) of HKAM, and Dr. Hing-yu SO, Educationist

Hong Kong College of Community Medicine (HKCCM):

Dr. Raymond Lei-ming HO presented the structure of the College training and pointed out that the College has adopted the CBME approach in the training curriculum. Although the College has no WBA, they can use the logbook to monitor the progress of training of trainees. The way forward, the College will extend an invitation to HKJC ILCM to conduct training courses and share experiences of CBME. 

Dr. Raymond Lei-ming HO, HKCCM's sharing Representative

The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong (CDSHK): 

Dr. Ronald Hung-wai CHENG stated that the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has accredited its basic training program with the MDS (Periodontology) program.  It is a competency-based curriculum. The higher training also includes eight domains of competencies which are similar to EFP. They will continue to review regularly the learning outcomes, training process, and the format of assessment for improvement. 

Dr. Ronald Hung-wai CHENG, CDSHK's sharing representative

The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP):

Dr. Peter Anthony FOK discussed the basic training focused on hospital-based and formative assessment in which trainees are supervised by appointed clinical supervisors in accredited training hospital units to assess the trainees on an ongoing basis to identify further training needs. Dr. Fok added that the higher training will be revamped in 2024. The challenges of a clearer definition of competencies, robust assessment system, and technology integration that the College needs to face. 

Dr. Peter Anthony FOK, HKCFP's sharing representative

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (HKCOS):

Dr. Arthur King-hay MA presented the new regulations on specialist training and examination in implementing a competency-based approach. He highlighted the importance of Workplace-based Assessment and annual competency review. The College will regularly provide WBA courses for Trainers and Trainees. The new system will be reviewed regularly to meet social needs. 

Dr. Kam-kwong WONG and Dr. Arthur King-hay MA, HKCOS’s sharing representative

Hong Kong College of Physicians (HKCP):

Dr. Johnny Wai-man CHAN shared the training structure of the College. He emphasized the large number of subspecialties under the College, compounded by the perennially deficient doctor manpower to move toward CBME. Despite the hurdles, the College has developed a core group of leaders who are highly committed to promoting advancements in medical education. In addition, the curriculum review is in progress toward the CBME. 

Dr. Johnny Wai-man CHAN, HKCP’s sharing representative

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists (HKCPsych):

Dr. Flora Yi-man MO presented the training curriculum for Psychiatrists. She pointed out that the training curriculum consists of a competency-based approach. A logbook has been used to keep the training record of trainees. Trainees’ training progress would be regularly assessed by trainers and tutors. Formal feedback at the mid-point and the end of a rotational placement is mandatory.  The College is in the process of developing an e-portfolio and will provide WBA course for training. 

Dr. Flora Yi-man MO, HKCPsych’s sharing representative

Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR):

Dr. Wai-lun POON discussed the CBME implementation of Radiologists, focusing on faculty development. The trainers have joined faculty development courses, such as WBA, Basic Medical Education Course (BMEC), Learning Online Educator (LOL), etc. The development of its own WBA is important to the College. Trainers can evaluate the trainees’ performance, give feedback to the trainees, and identify gaps for improvement of the trainees.  The e-portfolio is also in the process of development

Dr. Wai-lun POON, HKCR’s sharing representative

The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong (CSHK):

Prof. Kent-man CHU shared the history of the development of surgical training and assessment in Hong Kong. He focused on enhancing the quality of surgical training by incorporating competency-based elements into the existing curriculum. WBA is compulsory for assessments as it is an assessment tool for improvement and feedback. Research and presentation skills are also important to the trainees. The College has developed an e-portfolio system that simplifies the collection of training logs, enables online submission of assessments, monitors the completion of training requirements, and facilitates communication among training supervisors, trainers, and trainees. 

Prof. Kent-man CHU, CSHK's sharing representative

After the productive sharing sessions, Dr. So shared the way forward for CBME implementation. He pointed out the importance of leaders leading the implementation. JCIMED will provide leadership workshops for the members of the Academy's Education Committee.  Following the sharing of Dr. So, the representatives from 15 Colleges participated in an open and constructive discussion. They actively exchanged and shared their valuable experiences regarding different aspects of CBME. The seminars, as a whole, offered valuable insights into the implementation of CBME in various medical specialties. It provided an opportunity for the Colleges to exchange experiences, identify challenges, and present their plans for enhancing competency-based medical education in Hong Kong.  

Sharing of way forward of CBME Implementation by Dr. Hing-yu SO

Raising questions and suggestions: Dr. Chun-tat LUI